The tool I used was Morfo Booth (as it reads on my iPad), but formally called Morfo 3D Face Booth (99 cents), or simply Morfo (free version). I launched Morfo 3D Face Booth, choose the image of St. Peter from my Photos, and followed the prompts of Morfo. Then I "shared" the movie with my Photos app, and uploaded it to YouTube from there.
There are so many apps. I choose one or two that I go to often, but try others I find in the App Store. I will search for video and camera effects, and storytelling tools. I will also google "Digital Storytelling" or "Storytelling Tools or Apps for Education."
What is your favorite iPad, iPhone, or Android... or other... App for telling our Story? Ask a friend who has a tablet or smartphone. What is theirs?
Well what did you see? ... Cool Tim. I came and I saw. Peace, Ann