
It would be good for any catechist, or student for that matter, to have a number of good sites that would help them develop as disciples of Christ.


I often suggest joining Twitter, but people don't want to "tweet"! So I suggest they just join, and follow the tweets of a few others. Then, when they feel the urge, they can tweet to see how they like it. If you tweet a bit of important news or a good video you saw, or some other enlivening subject... rather than just what you had for breakfast... you may find Twitter to be a valuable tool in your ministry. A couple of tweeting Twitterers to twy... I mean try:


Lot's of great video's to consume. And some icky stuff too! Let's support the good stuff by sharing it! One of my favorites:


Vimeo is like YouTube, except the community is more discriminating about the videos they host, and they activity guard their reputation. You may only upload videos you create, or have a hand in creation. There are lots of great ones. If you have 16 minutes, this one is worth watching:

Boston College's C21

Many videos,  like the ones at Boston College's C21 (Church in the 21st Century) Center can be consumed through colleges and universities, through your web browsers or iTunes University. Here is an example from C21 (in this case, via YouTube... lots of videos can be found on multiple sites):

Prayer Resources

If you want to combine online time with quiet prayer time, check out sites like:
There is more on the internet than just video resources. And, while you check out these sites, dream about how you can create such a presence for your organization.

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